

My goal is for this work we do together to be a haven from the complexities of the world and our relationships within it; relationships with ourselves and others, relationships within our families and outside of them. A place to quiet the overthinking mind, calm the especially sensitive parts of you, and deactivate the inner critics. A place to dig a little deeper, explore the unanswered questions and tackle the unresolved hanging threads.

You are not alone. Your guidance system may be on overload or in a tangle. Let me help you sort through the clutter and come back to your inner voice. There is a strong message in our culture to always be happy and, if not, to fake it. However, being human means feeling a range of emotions, including difficult ones.


I’m Sonya, and I’m glad you found your way here. These words may be the first time we are meeting. I hope they speak to you. I am an interactive therapist. This means that not only do I listen, but I also ask questions, give feedback, and offer perspectives and a little humor (when appropriate). And I simply listen. No matter what has happened up to now, our lives are full of opportunity and possibilities: to laugh, to cry, to grow, to be vulnerable and brave, to speak up, to learn, grieve and forgive, to celebrate, be curious, connect, disconnect, and do it all over again.

I will help by listening, hearing, understanding, and by challenging you.


Examples Of Things I Can Help With


Anxiety & Panic Attacks
Divorce & Blended Families
Grief & Loss
Relationship Issues
Stress Management


Career Changes
Eating Issues & Disorders
Life Transitions
Self Injury


Depression & Mood Disorders
Gender & Sexual Identity
Sexual Abuse

Concerns I have addressed


Anxiety, OCD, Panic Attacks, and Phobia
Addictions, Including Alcohol and Drug
Bipolar and Other Mood Disorders


Depression, Grief, and Loss
Divorce/Blended Family Issues


Eating Disorders
Gender/Sexual Identity
Life Transitions

Relationship Issues
Self Injury
Sexual Abuse


Social Media Influences
Stress Management
Trauma (PTSD)

Adolescents, Young Adults & Parenting


The teenage years are so full but can feel so empty, confusing, scary, and more. So many changes in a short period of time. So many expectations and challenges at school and with friends. Plus, just want to have a say in things and privacy and to be left alone and to be allowed to spend more time with your friends. It can be so frustrating when parents think they know you well and think they know what you really mean. Why do they get so mad so easily?

To parents, I can help you understand the “logic” behind your teenager's reactions, responses, and choices so that you feel a little more prepared for unpredictable moods, impulses, and reactivity. Your teen will likely prioritize peer relationships over family. In addition, they face dealing with academic, athletic, and college pressures, experimentation, divorce/blended families, self-harm, social media, and trauma. I can help.


Young Adults

Leaving for college is an exciting time of life. You have longed to be free. Why is it also a little scary? You wear a mask when called for and pretend to be totally fine with whatever is happening. Your life away at school is filled with incredible opportunities and the challenges of making new friends and adjusting to the constant transitions back and forth between home life (less freedom) and college (independence). Graduation is an accomplishment, but, YIKES, now the world of work and beyond awaits. A world you know little about. A world your parents have figured out, but how did they get there? It may seem like they’ve always been doing it well or not.  You shouldn’t have everything figured out. I can help.



Parenting your children into their twenties can be a very tough job. While we know more than ever about child development, today’s cultural influences and digital landscape have left most parents feeling less prepared and more scared than ever. Let me help you open doors to communication.

Parenting can be the most difficult yet most rewarding of enterprises. One of the challenges is to be certain that the way you parent, the way you respond and react, results in the outcome you are looking for. Add to this the obstacles you face in terms of the larger social culture (i.e., tech, social media, information overload) as well as your own issues (i.e., a natural tendency to personalize their behavior, wanting to control things in order to protect and guide them, etc.)

How you live your life and how you treat others and yourself influence your children the most.

Examples Of Things I Can Help With


Anxiety, Stress & Panic Attacks
Athletic Demands & Performance
Alcohol & Drugs
Parent & Family Relationships


Depression & Mood
Divorce Scenarios
Grief & Loss Self Injury


Eating Issues & Disorders
Friendship Issues
College Transitions
Social Media & Digital Landscape

Concerns I Can Help With


Academic Demands




Alcohol and Drugs


Athletic Demands and Performance Issues

Anxiety, Panic Attacks, OCD, and Phobias


Depression and Other Mood Disorders


Divorce Issues and Impact

Grief and Loss


Eating Disorders


Managing the DIGITAL Landscape


Parent / Family Relationships


Parenting Strategies


Peer Relationships


Self Injury

Separation Anxiety


Social Media


Stress Management


Transition to High School, College, and Beyond

Eating Issues & Body Image


Therapy for Body Image, Disordered Eating, and Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are not a choice, contrary to popular opinion. They are often misunderstood, even by those who have them. Most often, people fall into disordered eating behaviors to cope with a tangled bunch of underlying feelings and unmet needs they don’t even realize are there! What we think others expect of us and what we expect of ourselves can feel overwhelming and conflicting.  To complicate matters, social media can make us feel like we will never measure up, and our culture is intent on making sure it sells us everything that will make us optimized. It seems like others have this figured out, but how can a person possibly do it all and make everyone happy?

What we eat or don’t eat is one of the few areas where we may feel in control and accomplished. Calories in, calories out narrow our world into smaller, manageable focus. Perhaps the eating stuff has escalated and has to be dealt with. Perhaps it sits at the edge but interferes.  I can help you sort this out. No judgments.

For those of you who know someone with an eating disorder: parents, spouses, friends, or family members, this can be a difficult and scary time. I will help you move through this.


I’m Sonya, and I’m glad you found your way here. These words may be the first time we are meeting. I hope they speak to you. I am an interactive therapist. This means that not only do I listen, but I also ask questions, give feedback, and offer perspectives and a little humor (when appropriate). And I simply listen. No matter what has happened up to now, our lives are full of opportunity and possibilities: to laugh, to cry, to grow, to be vulnerable and brave, to speak up, to learn, grieve and forgive, to celebrate, be curious, connect, disconnect, and do it all over again.

I will help by listening, hearing, understanding, and by challenging you.


I Can Help You With

IMG_4940.JPG_1681162196-scaled (1)

Binge Eating Disorder
Compulsive Exercise


Disordered Eating


Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Athletes & Eating Disorders

Examples of Issues I work with


Athletes and Eating Disorders


Binge Eating Disorder

Body Dysmorphic Disorder


Bulimia (purging)


Compulsive Exercise

Disordered Eating







Simply put, EMDR is a type of therapy that provides rapid relief of overwhelming feelings through the reprocessing of information in the brain. It is used for a variety of treatment issues, including trauma, phobias, anxiety, depression, addictions, performance enhancement, emotional regulation, and abuse and neglect histories.


  • EMDR helps to integrate the logical left brain with the emotional right brain.
  • EMDR moves “frozen” dysfunctional information into healthier information, creating new neural pathways.
  • It deactivates triggers and helps us become less reactive to situations.
  • It disrupts automatic traumatic memories by interrupting previous links to negative emotions.
  • EMDR allows you to process the experience NOW that you were unable to process THEN.

Therefore, we can remember difficult events without suffering from the old automatic triggers. Old response patterns are replaced with new, healthier options.