Adolescents, Young Adults           & Parenting


Being a teenager is not easy.  Your brain and body are growing and developing more than any other time in life.  Academic demands only seem to be increasing.  Relationships with parents and friends may be shifting; full of drama one day, okay the next.  You are expected to be more responsible within the limited choices and freedoms you have to work with.  Added to all of these are the expectations you carry inside yourself to handle all of these challenges and to do so without struggle.  It may seem like everyone around you has it figured out or at least, is managing better than you are.  Wearing a mask to hide insecurities and self doubt can be exhausting.  Life can feel confusing, overwhelming and yet empty, all at the same time!

Let's talk.  It's confidential.


College Years & Young Adults

Leaving for college is an exciting time of life.  You have longed to be free.  It is also normal to feel nervous about it.  You wear a mask when called for and pretend to be totally fine with whatever is happening.  Your life away at school is filled with incredible opportunities.  Yet the challenges of making new friends and adjusting to the constant transitions back and forth between home life (less freedom) and college (independence) can be tiresome or daunting.  Graduation is barely over and, YIKES, it can feel like you are expected to step seamlessly into the world of work.  A world you know little about.  A world your parents and other adults have figured out, but how did they get there?  It may seem like they’ve always been good at it.  You shouldn’t have everything figured out.  I can help.



Parenting your children through adolescence into early adulthood requires wearing a number of hats, sometimes all at once.  While we know more than ever about human development, today’s cultural influences and digital landscape have left most parents feeling less prepared and more scared than ever.  Let me help open the doors to communication even further.

Parenting can be the most difficult yet most rewarding of enterprises.  One of the challenges is to be certain that the way you parent, (the way you respond and react), leads the desired outcome.  The larger social culture (i.e., tech, social media, information overload) as well as your own issues (i.e., a natural tendency to personalize their behavior, wanting to control things in order to protect and guide them, etc.) complicate this process.

How you live your life and how you treat others and yourself influence your children the most.

Examples of issues I Can Help With


Anxiety, Stress & Panic Attacks
Athletic Demands & Performance
Alcohol & Drugs
Parent & Family Relationships

Depression & Mood
Divorce Scenarios
Grief & Loss
Self Injury

Eating Disorders
Friendship Issues
College Transitions
Social Media Challenges

Examples Of Things I Can Help With


Anxiety, Stress & Panic Attacks
Athletic Demands & Performance
Alcohol & Drugs
Parent & Family Relationships


Depression & Mood
Divorce Scenarios
Grief & Loss Self Injury


Eating Issues & Disorders
Friendship Issues
College Transitions
Social Media & Digital Landscape